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How to document a meeting in Confluence

When documenting meetings in Confluence, the agenda and the notes are contained in the same document.  One Confluence page will contain both.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Determine where to place your meeting documentation in Confluence

  2. Create a new page using the Meeting notes template

  3. Change the title of the page to "YYYY/MM/DD Meeting - {Meeting name here}"

  4. In the Date section, change the date to match the date of the meeting by clicking on the gray date field

  5. Add meeting invitees to the Attendees section
    1. At-mention other Confluence users and they will be notified of the mention when you save the page
      1. By at-mentioning attendees, we are able to search for meetings with specific attendees using Confluence Query Language (CQL)

        CQL: cql=label+%3D+"meeting-notes"+and+mention+%3D+"whiteli"

    2. For other people, simply type their names
    3. If you are adding someone from an external organization, append their name with the organization they represent in parentheses

  6. Use the rest of the page below to clearly document...

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