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Kofax User Guide

Please find the Kofax URL Link below.


Please find the steps below; (Scroll down to see the example screen capture for navigation)

  1. Open the regular Kofax URL on the browser or Launch Kofax as you would typically do.
  2. In the Menu, go to Capture Process >> and select the Class to which you usually scan documents. ( I have chosen Accounts Payable as an example)
    1. You will be prompted to install the “Kofax Capture Service.”
    2. Hit the link which says “Click Here”.
    3. The software will be downloaded. Click Open File on the browser download prompt or Install the software directly from the downloaded location.
    4. Now, hit the OK button on the Installation Prompt in Kofax.
  3. You can continue the regular work from here on.

Unable to scan issue or Printer not recognized issue.

  1. Make sure the printer is powered ON and connected.
  2. Click on the scan setting icon.
  3. In the pop-up window, select the scanner name and hit “OK.”

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.