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About Slack

What is Slack?

Slack is a tool used for communicating with individuals and groups. It is typically used in situations where you would previously have used a combination of IM, Skype, or Email.  You can think of Slack as a very robust and well-organized instant messaging tool.  Group messaging is focused around channels.  For example, you can have a channel dedicated to a team or project, and all communication that would have been dispersed through Skype or countless email threads will be cleanly stored in one location.  Within a channel, you can have unlimited threaded discussions. All communication is persistent, meaning nothing is ever lost.  You view the same content through the Slack website, the application on your PC, or even the application on your phone.  Participate from anywhere at any time!  With Slack, you can greatly reduce your reliance on email which is notoriously hard to organize and follow when things get busy!

How to Get Access to Slack?

The IT section needs to explicitly grant access to new users; if you would like to use Slack for your team or project, please submit a request through the IT Service Desk.  Once you have a Slack account you can access Slack through the web, an app on your PC, or an app on your phone.

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